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Music Library Association-Atlantic Chapter

Spring 2000

Last update: October 04, 2000
About 30 people from the Atlantic Chapter area met during MLA in Louisville to discuss old and new business. After a brief summary of the events from our November 1999 meeting we talked about proposing our "Breaking the Historical Sound Barrier" program to MLA's Best of Chapters session and hope to bring Ward and Eric's talk to New York in 2001.

We agreed that outreach to students and paraprofessionals was important to us. This will be one of the primary goals of our new membership committee chaired by Carl Rahkonen. We also talked how best to use our chapter website, newsletter, and listserv. Robert Freeborn will serve as communications coordinator working with Brian Cockburn, webmaster, Kile Smith, newsletter editor, and Alice LaSota, listserv owner.

With the support of our chapter, the Library of Congress has proposed that MLA 2004 be held in Washington, DC. Conventions manager, Don Roberts will be visiting DC in April to investigate conference hotel possibilities.

Jim Cassaro at the University of Pittsburgh will be hosting our next chapter meeting on November 17th-18th, 2000. One of our sessions will feature music collections in Pittsburgh. For those of you in our chapter area, we hope to see you there.

Donna Fournier


Minutes of Business Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Chair, Donna Fournier at 7:30 p.m. Donna called everyone's attention to the minutes of the fall 1999 chapter meeting. It was moved that the minutes be accepted. The motion was carried

1. Chair's report

a. Donna reported that our attempt to propose the program featuring Eric Wen and/or Ward Martson (held at the Fall 1999 Atlantic Chapter Meeting) as a Best of Chapters program was unsuccessful. Everyone agreed that we hoped to see it in the Best of Chapters program in 2001

b. Donna thanked all Chapter members for volunteering to serve on various committees:

  1. Communications Robert Freeborn, Coordinator; Brian Cockburn, Webmaster; Alice LaSota, Listserv owner; Kile Smith, Newsletter editor
  2. Membership Carl Rakonen, Chair; Mary Prendergast; Steve Landstreet; Anne Harlow

2. Treasurer's report

The Chair did not request a formal treasurer's report be submitted. However, Cathy Dixon, Secretary/Treasurer, reported a balance of $4599.54. At the fall meeting, 2000 (in Pittsburgh) a full report will be submitted and will include a new balance including the cost of the new Chapter buttons ordered by Carl Rakonen

3. Communications Committee Report

a. After discussion, it was decided that the newsletter will be web-based, and sent to members via email. A questionnaire will be distributed to determine the need for a hard copy printout.
b. The website can serve at least three purposes:

  1. Communications, such as the newsletter and a chapter directory.
  2. As a chapter brochure.
  3. As a gateway to chapter resources, such as bibliographies or pathfinders It was agreed that the first two purposes would initially be our focus.

c. Alice LaSota reported the following:

  1. The listserv is open to anyone who wants to subscribe.
  2. The name of the listserv will be ATMLA
  3. She will inquire about the possibility of subscribing the entire membership in a batch process. The membership agreed it would be useful to promote and publicize our Chapter through other listservs, such as PLA and MLA, and local organizations, such as the Maryland Library Association.

4. Membership Committee

Report Carl Rakonen reported that a new Chapter Directory was being planned. It was suggested that the National Membership Committee could send a list of chapter members if requested. It was mentioned that Betsy Walker volunteered at the fall 1999 meeting to serve as a news gatherer for the Pennsylvania region of the chapter. The committee is still looking for a volunteer news gatherer from the old Chesapeake Chapter region.

5. The next chapter meeting will be held in the Fall 2000 in Pittsburgh and would be a two-day session held on a Friday and Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon would remain open for recreational activity or those who had long distances to travel.

6. MLA 2004 John Newsome, at the Library of Congress, wrote a letter to Paula Matthews inviting MLA to Washington, D.C. for the annual conference in 2004.

7. Fall Chapter Meeting in 2001 will be held at the University of Virginia. Several members requested that dates for fall chapter meetings be determined and publicized at least as early as August of that same year. All agreed.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Catherine M. Dixon Secretary/Treasurer


Send comments or suggestions to:  Brian Cockburn