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Music Library Association-Atlantic Chapter

Spring 2001

Last update: April 16, 2001

Minutes of the Chapter Meeting
New York, New York
February 22, 2001

1. Introductions: 
The meeting began with the attendees introducing themselves to the rest of the group. New members were welcomed and all members with new positions were congratulated.

2. Executive Committee Reports:
a. Report on our last meeting: Cathy Dixon's minutes from the Fall 2000 business meeting in Pittsburgh were approved. We also took time to reflect on the Pittsburgh programs. It was noted that the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, and Carnegie Mellon all have different strengths and close cooperation with each other. Members also found the sessions on "Sound Archives and Recordings" and the session on music libraries as a resource for music critics well presented, informative, and thought provoking. Thanks were given to Jim Cassaro for his work in organizing the meeting.
b. Report on our expenses: Our chapter bank account balance as of January 31, 2001 is $4738.52.
c. Membership renewal: Cathy Dixon is compiling a list of paid members for the year 2001. A membership renewal letter will go out to unpaid members.
d. Committee structure and term limits: The chapter committees and memberships are:
Communications Committee
Robert Freeborn, Chair
Newsletter Editor, Kile Smith
Webmaster, Brian Cockburn
Listserv Owner, Alice Lasota
Membership Committee, Carl Rahkonen, Chair with Mary Prendergast, 
Anne Harlowe, and Steve Landstreet
It was agreed that the length of service on these committees should be for four years with the exception of webmaster and listserv owner who are welcome take on these duties for the chapter as long as they wish. The folks listed above are currently in their second year of service for the Atlantic Chapter. It was agreed that not all committee members be replaced at the same time but that changes be staggered to allow for both continuity and renewal.

3. Nominating Committee Report
The Nominating Committee is comprised of Jane Penner, Steve Landstreet, and Donna Fournier who will look for volunteers to run for vice chair/chair elect. Elections will be held before the Fall 2001 meeting. The new officer will assume the position at the end of the Fall meeting. Donna Fournier will continue to be chair for one more year. A new secretary/treasurer will be elected before the Fall 2002 meeting.

4. Communications Committee Report
a. Website and Newsletter: Robert Freeborn reported that our newsletter is now in electronic format linked from our chapter website. It will be distributed in paper format only to those who request it. Robert also solicited website content suggestions. Ideas included a "transitions column" to list new members or folks with new appointments and an article about the Theodore Presser Co. relocation.
b. Listserv: Alice Lasota reported that in an effort to reduce the risks of spamming, she has set up our email discussion list, ATMLA-L, to have messages sent from unsubscribed writers sent to a moderator before posting. Alice has volunteered to be the list moderator. Donna Fournier reported that the last time she sent a message to ATMLA-L, she received a confirmation stating that the message was distributed to 63 subscribers.

5. Membership Committee Report:
Carl Rahkonen encouraged us to reach out to everyone possible inviting them to join the chapter, especially paraprofessionals. Carl also encouraged those of us with webpages to send the URLs to Brian Cockburn for posting on our chapter website.

6. Plans for the Fall 2001 meeting
The chapter's next meeting will be at the University of Virginia. The tentative dates are the weekend of October 6th or 13th. The Friday program will focus on popular music with suggested sessions on "African Popular Music in Recordings" by Bruce Penner, "Rhythms of Ireland" by Kim and Jimbo Cary, a lecture demonstration on collecting and playing the traditional music of Virginia by Mike Seeger. The Saturday program will focus on the University of Virginia's recent changes in the music curriculum and it's effect on collection development as well as tours of UVA's Digital Centers. Thanks were given to Jane Penner for making meeting plans so far in advance. This allows us time to apply for a grant for MLA to help pay for our meeting costs estimated between $1600 and $2100. It was agreed that with our healthy bank account, the chapter should be willing to match grant money and provide the support that UVA needs to put together a great meeting. It was also suggested that some of the Fall 2001 programs be videotaped for archival purposes and as material to support a "Best of Chapters" program proposal.
The chapter's Fall 2002 meeting will take place at the University of Maryland in College Park.

7. "Best of Chapters" proposal
Betsy Walker reported that our "Best of Chapters 2001" program proposal was to have Ward Marston, remastering engineer with Marston Records and Eric Wen, an independent producer with Biddulph Recordings present their "Breaking the Historical Sound Barrier" session from the Fall 1999 meeting in Philadelphia at MLA 2001 in New York City. Unfortunately our proposal was not accepted as the length of the presentation was considered too long for the "Best of Chapters" program.

8. MLA 2004 Local Arrangements Report
Jane Penner and Deta Davis have agreed to be co-chairs of the local arrangements committee for the MLA meeting in Washington, DC in 2004. The conference hotel will be the Crystal City Marriott. Jane described the various tasks of a local arrangements committee:
* organizing a local arrangements reception or concert
* planning the banquet menu and banquet entertainment
* gathering local information for travel, sight seeing, restaurants, concerts, etc.
* compiling and printing the meeting program
* receiving registrations, compiling the meeting packets, and staffing the registration table
* arranging local tours
* fund raising
Jim Cassaro urged the chapter to start the fund raising process this year. Ideas from the membership on what we might organize for the 2004 meeting included tours of the Duke Ellington Archive, the International Piano Archives, the MLA Archives, a reception in the Great Hall of the Library of Congress, and entertainment by the Capitol Steps.

9. Announcements
Jim Cassaro reported that MLA, despite its problems with management organizations is fiscally stable and that the association is at a point where it can assess Plan 2001 and have time for reflection and strategic planning. Jim encouraged anyone interested in working within MLA to feel free to talk with him. Steve Landstreet, a member MLA's Nominating Committee, also encouraged chapter members to consider running for on of the association's offices.
Carl Rahkonen announce that he attended a wonderful conference last December entitled "Folk Heritage Collections in Crisis" held at the Library of Congress and sponsored by AFS, SEM and CLIR. He was one of four music librarians attending excellent sessions on issues of preservation, access, and intellectual property. Robert Freeborn reported that he attend the latest MOUG/OLAC meeting in Seattle. It was a productive meeting. Jim Cassaro announced that IAML will be held in Berkeley California this coming August and encouraged folks to consider attending.
Paul Emmons reported that West Chester University will be building a new music facility. Jim Cassaro's book on space planning was recommended to Paul. Marje Morris reported that Rowan University will be building a new integrated performing arts library. Betsy Walker reported that the basement of the Curtis Institute music library will be renovated to hold compact shelving.
Robert Freeborn reported that Penn State is migrating their integrated library system to SIRSI. Ruth Harris reported that the College of William and Mary is migrating to Voyager. Philip Vandermeer announced that University of Maryland has chosen ExLibris as its next local system schedule for implementation in January 2002. 

Submitted by Donna Fournier
March 2, 2001


Send comments or suggestions to:  Brian Cockburn