Carrier Renovation: Virtual Info Sessions for Staff and Faculty on May 5 & 11
Posted April 21, 2022 in Carrier Renovation News, JMU Libraries News
Over a decade of concerns about accessibility and ADA compliance, health and life-safety for students and staff, and overall navigability of our aging Carrier Library are motivating plans for a building renovation and expansion. Our goal is to create a welcoming, safe, inclusive campus library with modernized systems, reenvisioned services, and inspiring spaces for teaching, learning, research, & expert consultation.

Join a virtual faculty/staff info session with Dean Bethany Nowviskie to learn about our process so far, including seeking funding from the Commonwealth of Virginia that would make this project possible.
Leave the session knowing about our next steps, possible renovation timeline, and future info sessions and opportunities to share your feedback.
Sign up for May 5, 3-4pm on Zoom or
Sign up for May 11, 3-4pm on Zoom
Can’t attend? Please take our one-question survey!
Contact with any questions about these sessions.