Quiet Study Spaces at JMU

JMU has dozens of great study spots, but when you really need focused time to think, it helps to know where to find JMU’s quietest study spaces:
Rose Library 4th floor
Some parts of Rose Library can be great places to socialize, and most of the building is relatively quiet, but if you’re looking for a designated quiet space, the 4th floor of Rose is for you!
Quiet booths in Rose Library
While you don’t have to be quiet once you’re in them, the sound-dampening Zenbooths on the 3rd and 4th floors of Rose Library are great for drowning out the distractions around you. Equipped with outlets and adjustable tables, it’s no wonder they’re so popular!
Classrooms in Rose Library
Every day starting at 5pm, the classrooms in Rose Library are all yours for quiet study! Plus, around finals every semester, we reserve them all day just for students, so you can swipe in any time Rose is open!
As you exit the elevators on the 3rd floor, just turn right and follow the sign that says “Classrooms.” Swipe your JACard at the door to open it. If you run into any trouble, try the Ask the Library Desk.
CoB Learning Complex
The Quiet Study Space on the 2nd floor of the CoB Learning Complex has plenty of seating and signs reminding students to be quiet. It also has a great view of the stadium!
University Career Center
Private rooms are available in the Interview Center on the 3rd floor of the Student Success Center any time they are not needed for employer interviews. Fill out this form to reserve a room for quiet study space for individuals and groups, telehealth appointments, or interviews for jobs, internships, or graduate school. While you’re there, check out the free clothing in the JMU Career Closet.
Quiet booths in The Union
First-come, first-served Zenbooths are also available in the Airport Lounge on the 4th Floor of Warren. The best time to score a Zenbooth is first thing in the morning.
Meeting rooms
Many classrooms and meeting rooms in The Union, Festival, and other buildings are open to students when they are not reserved. While these are not designated quiet study spaces, they don’t see a lot of traffic. Check the schedule outside the door to find out when it will be available, and you might have the room all to yourself for a while! Just be sure to leave the furniture how you found it.