Group Study Rooms at JMU

There are dozens of great places to meet with a group at JMU if you don’t mind a little noise, but what if you need your own space?

Rose Library offers reservable and first-come, first-served study rooms. Visit our Group Study Rooms page to learn about these rooms and how to reserve them.
The Student Success Center has two reservable group study rooms on the first floor and interview rooms in the University Career Center that can be reserved for small groups. Learn more about the Student Success Center Group Study Rooms page or reserve a room in the Career Center.
The ETMC (Educational Technology & Media Center) in Memorial Hall has one first-come, first-served group study room. Learn more about the ETMC and how to get there.

In the College of Business Learning Complex, group study rooms are available on the second floor of both Hartman Hall and Showker Hall. Currently, all student study rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Engineering/Geosciences offers group study rooms (1G03, 1G04, 1G05, 2017, 2018, and 2019) on the first and second floors.
Festival has three group study rooms on the second floor, available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The Health and Behavioral Studies Building has four areas for large group study and six rooms for small group study.
Wilson Hall has a group study room on the second floor. This room, with big windows facing the Quad, can fit up to six people. A sign on the door provides instructions for reserving the room (Wilson 2032), but anyone can use the room if it’s not reserved or currently in use.
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