Crafting Local Commemorations: Honoring Día de los Muertos in Shenandoah Valley
Posted October 19, 2022 in Instructional Design News, JMU Libraries News

Engage in dialogue and artistic expression related to celebration and appreciation of Día de los Muertos at this event on Tuesday, October 25, 6:30 to 8:00pm in Rose Library.
Estela Knott, a cultural artist organizer, will share her experiences commemorating Día de los Muertos in the Shenandoah Valley. Join this community as we spark and continue conversations about how JMU can create and support spaces that are authentic and respectful to honor Día de los Muertos on our campus. Co-sponsored by JMU Libraries, Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean Studies (LAXC), and the Honors College. Learn more.