Opening Up: A Fellowship for Open Pedagogy

JMU faculty who are interested in “opening up” their teaching are invited to engage in a learning community with JMU colleagues beginning in Fall 2024. Each participant will receive a $1500 stipend for their work and participation in the fellowship.
Based on a fellowship model that centers community building, this program will include a mix of asynchronous and synchronous work. It is intentionally designed to be a slow-paced and supportive environment that fosters curiosity, exploration, and growth.
During the fellowship, you will be supported as you progress toward the learning outcomes (below) and engage with the “Open” community locally and globally. You will also have the opportunity to participate in collaborative scholarly activities related to this work, such as submitting a proposal for OpenEd25 or another appropriate conference.
The three phases of this fellowship will occur from Fall 2024 to Summer 2025. Three virtual synchronous sessions are scheduled in the afternoons of October 23, February 5, and May 21. After implementation during Fall 2025, faculty will come back together to share their work and progress as a way of evolving their open educational practices.
This fellowship is available for part-time or full-time JMU faculty members.
The application period closed in April 2024.
Participants will make progress toward these learning outcomes:
- Deepen your experience with Open Pedagogy and Open Educational Resources to identify your own path.
- Critically analyze your pedagogical, curricular, and assessment choices through a social justice lens.
- Improve equity in the classroom through your pedagogical, curricular, and assessment choices.
- Create pedagogical, curricular, and/or assessment materials to share with your community.