CDs and LPs Search Tips

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Instrumental music recordings Find CDs only | Specific song or aria recordings | Opera, Oratorio, or other Large Work recordings | Jazz music recordings | For more help

Use any combination of text to include title, composer(s), performer(s), genre.  After performing the initial search, filters can be applied to further tailor the search.  Much more is available online – search in the Audio Music Databases.

Instrumental Music Recordings

Use or combine instrument name and other identifiable words (composer, opus number, etc). The catalog requires precise spelling.

Example: To locate a recording of Mozart’s violin concert, K. 218 perform this search:

Find CDs Only

Add “cd” to your search.

Example: To locate recordings of Tchaikovsky’s symphonies on CD perform this search:

Specific Song or Aria on Recordings

Use the name of the aria and the composer’s name, if known. The catalog requires precise spelling.

Example: To locate a recording of the aria “Ritorna Vinctor! by Verdi, perform this search:

Opera, Oratorio, or Other Large Work Recordings

Use the title of the work and the composer’s name, if known. The catalog requires precise spelling.

Example: To locate a recording of “The elixir of love” by Donizetti, perform this search:

Jazz Music Recordings

Use or combine artist name, instrument, song title, album title. The catalog requires precise spelling.

Example: To locate recordings with Miles Davis, John Coltrane, and Cannonball Adderley sextet, perform this recording search:

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