Accessibility Statement

JMU Libraries makes every effort to ensure that software and electronic resource vendors adhere to accessibility compliance standards for their products. The Libraries track compliance through Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) documents supplied by vendors. VPATs describe the ways in which software and electronic resources meet the Revised Section 508 Standards of the of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The Libraries do not require licensed vendors to be Section 508 compliant, but we do strongly encourage vendors to adopt compliance when possible.

In addition to Accessibility Compliance, OpenAthens provides a single sign-on solution for off campus connection supported by Shibboleth technology. OpenAthens improves access to electronic resources by providing a simple, consistent way for users to authenticate, and does not require multiple passwords to authenticate.

Source of Authority: Director, Scholarly Resources & Discovery

Learn more about Accessibility at JMU Libraries.