SensusAccess Document Converter

SensusAccess gives you a way to listen to your reading list.

SensusAccess converts written documents into:

  • MP3 files
  • DAISY audiobooks
  • Mobile-friendly ebooks (Mobi, EPUB and EPUB3 formats)
  • Digital Braille for embossed printing or reading on a Braille display

SensusAccess access can also convert the following file types into less challenging formats:

  • Image-only PDFs
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • JMP statistical graphics

SensusAccess also works with a number of languages. Some target formats even support multilingual contents.



  • Conversion results are best for documents that are primarily text, including multilingual documents and those with complicated elements, as long as they comply with accessibility standards (i.e. proper use of headers and formatting).
  • Documents less suited for conversion are those with non-textual content (i.e. scanned images of STEM content, complex mathematical equations, graphs). Support and instruction are available through the Resources section on the SensusAccess website.


Please note that this service is NOT sufficiently secure for the transmission of highly sensitive information, as defined by JMU’s Information Security Policy.


Title 17 of the United States Code is the source of copyright law in the United States and governs reproduction of copyrighted material. Please be aware that changing the format of a copyrighted work does not change its copyrighted status, and the person using this software may be liable for any resultant copyright infringement. 17 U.S. Code § 121 governs reproduction of copyrighted material for “blind or other people with disabilities.”  More information about Copyright at JMU.