Faculty: Meet Your Professional Development Goals on Your Schedule

Posted on: June 15, 2024

Beachy photo with the phrase Professional Development for Summer

Achieve your professional goals on your own schedule with one of these 4 asynchronous offerings from us this summer!

Design for Learning Institute (approx. 6 hours): Join a learning community of JMU experts, peers, and mentors as you develop or redesign a course. Learn more.

Get Started Using Open Textbooks (approx. 90 minutes): Get an introduction to open textbooks in this self-paced online workshop. After you complete this workshop, you’ll be eligible to write a review of an open textbook and receive a $200 stipendApply by July 8.

Learning Access through Universal Design (approx. 2-4 hours): Learn how to apply the fundamental principles of universal design for learning (UDL) in this asynchronous Canvas course. Learn more.

Publishing Open Textbooks at JMU: Learn how to publish an online open textbook with tools and support from JMU Libraries. Learn more.

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