Self-Paced Professional Learning Opportunities for Faculty

Montage of people working alone on computers or tablets

Achieve your goals on your own schedule, with one of our 4 asynchronous offerings for JMU faculty!

Design for Learning Institute

Join a learning community of JMU experts, peers, and mentors as you develop or redesign a course. Gain practical teaching tips and assessment strategies for a digital learning environment as you progress through this Canvas-based institute at your own pace, with instructional designers ready to meet with you for customized support.
Learn more or sign up at any time

Learning Access through Universal Design (LAUD)

Learn how to apply the fundamental principles of universal design for learning (UDL) in this asynchronous Canvas course (approximately 2-4 hours). Instructional designers will be ready to meet with you for additional support.
Learn more or sign up at any time

Get Started Using Open Textbooks

Get an introduction to open textbooks in this self-paced online workshop. Explore existing open textbooks available for use in your courses. After you complete this workshop, you’ll be eligible to write a review of an open textbook and receive a $200 stipend.
Learn more or apply by October 4, 2024 to participate in Fall 2024

Publishing Open Textbooks at JMU

Learn how to publish an online open textbook with tools and support from JMU Libraries. This self-paced Canvas course offers a series of modules that you can take in any order, at any time. You’ll learn about textbook design, interactive textbook elements, intellectual property considerations, and more.
Learn more or sign up at any time.