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Instructional Design

We are committed to building an engaging and inclusive learning environment at JMU by consulting with instructors and programs on instructional design (ID) for courses, curricula, and learning initiatives.

As instructional designers, our practices are informed by learning sciences, systems thinking, and pedagogy-driven community building. Centering equity, accessibility, and inclusion, we support instruction, learning, and scholarly work by providing instructional design solutions to enhance and sustain learners’ success. Our work simultaneously holds space to explore evidence-based emerging teaching and learning trends, tools, and methods while centering an ethic of care and a learner-centered experience

Request a consultation (select “Instructional Design & Technology” on the form) to design and develop inclusive and engaging assignments, courses, program orientations, learner-oriented resources, and curricula.

Learn more about our services.


Name Title Phone Email
Chelsey BollingerChelsey M. Bahlmann Bollinger Senior Faculty Associate from Early, Elementary, & Reading Education (540) 568-6702
Stephen Ijeluola wearing a blue jacket and white shirt with a smile on his face.Abiodun Stephen Ijeluola Instructional Designer (540) 568-5032
Elaine Kaye HeadshotElaine Kaye Instructional Designer (540) 568-4832
Profile photo of Jessica LantzJessica Lantz Instructional Designer (540) 568-6803
Juhong Christie Liu (she/her)Juhong Christie Liu Director of Instructional Design (540) 568-2381
Mothana in blue v-neck polo standing outside of Rose Library.Almothana Matarneh Graduate Assistant
Nicole Wilson headshotNicole Wilson Instructional Designer (540) 568-5922
Zhenhuan “Henry” Yang Instructional Designer
Professor Nathaniel Taeho Yu takes a photo in front of bookshelves at the library with a smileNathaniel Taeho Yu Instructional Designer (540) 568-5034