Samantha Harmon

Data Services Librarian, Assistant Professor

About me

As a Data Services Librarian, I’m dedicated to supporting faculty and students in navigating research data management and fostering a culture of data literacy. Leveraging my background in quantitative analysis, I collaborate with stakeholders to provide tailored data services that meet diverse campus needs. With a focus on inclusive knowledge dissemination practices, I advocate for effective data utilization in academic endeavors. Let’s connect to explore how I can assist you in maximizing the potential of data for your research and scholarly pursuits.

About Discovery, Access, and Technology

We are responsible for collections, metadata, and technology. Departments include Access and Delivery, Interlibrary Loan and Course Reserves, Metadata Strategies, Collection Administration, Scholarly Communications Strategies, and Technology.

About Scholarly Communications Strategies

Together with the Digital Assets team, we provide holistic support for scholarly communications across JMU, including the development of inclusive and equitable practices related to publishing model support. We provide expertise in copyright, author rights, open educational resources, open publishing, and open infrastructure initiatives.