Our Fonts

JMU Libraries Brand Uses JMU Fonts

The JMU Libraries brand uses JMU’s official fonts: Artegra Sans and Artegra Slab. Learn more on the JMU Typography page. 

Do I Need JMU Fonts?

Most Libraries employees do not need to worry about using JMU fonts. JMU’s strict branding requirements apply only to official communications to external audiences, such as donors and visitors to our website. 

If you are creating a document, presentation, or design that needs to meet specific branding standards (or if you’re not sure), we recommend that you contact Emily Blake or another member of the Communications & Outreach team in JMU Libraries for help.

Learn More

JMU Communications & Marketing provides guidance for using JMU fonts on their Typography page:

preview of JMU Communications and Marketing Typography page - click to visit the page